Accountants in Hitchin
We are a 'one-stop-shop' for all small and medium size enterprise businesses Why choose us?HW Associates, business advisors and accountants.
HW Associates is an independent firm of Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors based in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. We provide a wide range of advisory and compliance services to small and medium sized entrepreneurial owner managed businesses in a wide range of industries.
We aim to build a strong working relationship with our clients and to provide practical, high quality, relevant advice.
We add value by helping each client to make the right decisions for their business.
Our Services
Our reputation is for helping businesses from conception through to sale or succession. We will be very pleased to help yours.
We deal efficiently with all aspects of your tax compliance so that you meet your legal obligations on time without the stress of doing it yourself.
Our aim is to assist you as Trustees to manage your charity as efficiently as possible and to avoid the minefield of reporting regulations facing you.
Our People
Whilst technical competence is paramount equal weighting is given to the importance of empathy, approachability and free thinking in our staff.
Our culture understands the stresses that business owners face and strives to achieve positive outcomes on their behalf.
Handling late payments: Practical tips for SMEs
Late payments represent a huge cost to businesses. What can you do? Here’s how you should be handling late payments.
The role of tax-efficient wills in estate planning
Estate planning is essential for ensuring your assets are distributed as you wish. Key to this is the process is drafting tax efficient wills.
Effective strategies for cashflow management in uncertain times
Learn effective cashflow management strategies for SMEs, from forecasting and cost control to diversifying income.
We can help
We work with you and for you, not against you.
Our experience, expertise and practicality will complement your own skills and can only enhance your business.